
MasterPolyheed 425

High range water reducing admixture for concrete

​MasterPolyheed 425 is a ready-to-use innovative mid-range water-reducing admixture, based on MasterGlenium technology, is very effective in producing concrete with different levels of workability for applications such as pumping and flatwork. MasterPolyheed 425 is also very effective in producing concrete with enhanced finishing characteristics. Enhanced Rheology and retention characteristics are a benefit when using this admixture.

Fields of Application
  • To increase/extend workability.

  • To increase compressive strength.

  • To effect cement economies.

  • Wide dosage range enabling water reductions to produce a dense concrete with reduced permeability and reduced water penetration.

  • In areas of congested reinforcement where high workability is of benefit.

  • Wherever reduced water contents would be of benefit.

  • In hot weather to extend workability.

  • Developed for suitability in a diverse range of applications such as high rise construction, power floated floor slabs and high consistence concretes.

Characteristics and Benefits
  • ​​Can be used in a wide​ variety of concrete mixtures as a multi-purpose admixture.

  • Dosage flexibility - provides up to 25% water reduction.

  • Provides excellent workability retention.

  • Enhanced later-age strength.

  • Excellent finishing, even with manufactured sands and in lean mixes.

  • Significantly improves the workability of a concrete therefore reducing placing time.

  • Improves the cohesive properties of the concrete helping to reduce segregation and bleed.

  • Allows water reduction to be achieved whilst maintaining workability, thereby increasing strength, durability and impermeability.

  • Enables economies in mix designs to be achieved.

  • Improves strengths in mixes containing PFA / GGBS and micro silica blends.

  • Faster setting at higher dosages compared to other mid-range water-reducing admixtures.

  • Provides lower in-place cost.

  • Increases service life of structures.

  • Engineered for use with difficult aggregate packages.​

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