
MasterRoc MG 46

Low to Medium Density Foaming Grout

How Does MasterRoc MG 46 Work?

MasterRoc MG 46 is a low to medium density cementitious foaming grout that yields large volumes of grout from small quantities of powder.

Recommended uses:

MasterRoc MG 46 is suitable for use whenever controlled, low to medium strength and weight materials can be used; applications include:


  • Explosion seals

  • Ventilation stoppings

  • Backfilling

  • Temporary and low to mid strength support

  • Cavity filling

  • Rib replacement

  • Bulk heads


  • Backfilling over pipes

  • Thermal and sound insulation

  • Structural fills

  • Pavement bases

  • Erosion control

What Makes MasterRoc MG 46 a Unique Solution?

Once hardened, MasterRoc MG 46 produces a solid, durable, low to medium density fill product suitable for many applications in mining and tunneling.

What Are the Benefits of MasterRoc MG 46?
  • Fast setting time reduces the requirement for heavy formwork and allows large cavities to be filled in one lift

  • Rapid strength gain for early bearing of load

  • Compresses significantly under load prior to failure

  • Excellent flowability ensure cavity is completely filled

  • Excellent long term stability

  • Ease of placement

  • Durability consistent with low water:powder ratio Portland cement mixes