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Closing the Loop on Concrete Waste

Innovative Recycling Solutions for Returned Concrete with MasterSuna RCT 232

MasterSuna RCT 323 is a new product that provides a fast, efficient, and extremely easy-to-use recycling solution for returned ready-mixed concrete waste.

The Problem of Returned Concrete

Returned concrete represents a significant waste stream across Australia and internationally. While computer-controlled batching and weighing systems have improved efficiency and batch accuracy, miscalculations, over-compensation, or changes at the job site still result in a significant percentage of trucks returning to the batch plant with a portion of the load on board. According to the National Ready Mixed Concrete Association (NRMCA) in the USA, returned concrete can represent anywhere between 2% and 10% of total output.

Research conducted by Master Builders Solutions across Australia and New Zealand earlier this year showed similar figures, with around 2-3% of total ready-mixed output ending up as returned concrete. Alarmingly, almost 49% of the total returned concrete stream still ends up as waste, either landfilled or stockpiled.

Solution: MasterSuna RCT 323

Developed to build the circular economy by converting this significant waste stream into a beneficial and marketable end-product, MasterSuna RCT 323 is already revolutionising the treatment and handling of returned concrete for many producers across the USA and Europe. Following several successful local trials, the product looks set to replicate its success across Australia and New Zealand, with several batch plants already using MasterSuna RCT 323 to treat their returned concrete.


  • One-Component: Simplifies the treatment process.

  • Low Dosage: Easy to use.

  • Fixed Dosage: Suitable for a variety of returned concrete mixtures.

  • Fast Acting: Gels fresh concrete and provides rapid stiffening in two to five minutes.


  • Cost-Effective: Provides concrete producers with an economical solution for returned fresh concrete.

  • Improved Safety: Eliminates the need for onsite concrete crushing, improving safety and reducing the carbon footprint.

  • Environmentally Sustainable: Creates a solution to address the issue of returned concrete by diverting waste material into beneficial applications.

Watch the video: MasterSuna RCT 323: Sustainable Returned Concrete Admixture Solution

Read more at MasterSuna RCT 323