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Returned Concrete Recycling Made Easy

MasterSuna RCT 232

Returned Concrete Admixture Designed to Rapidly Stiffen Fresh Concrete, Eliminating the Need for Onsite Concrete Crushing and Landfill Disposal

MasterSuna RCT 323 is a new product that provides a fast, efficient, and extremely easy-to-use recycling solution for returned ready-mixed concrete waste. This single-product admixture allows ready-mixed concrete producers to develop a returned concrete solution that eliminates the need for onsite concrete crushing and disposal into landfills.

How Does MasterSuna RCT 323 Work?

Supplied in dissolvable, water-soluble bags, MasterSuna RCT 323 is added directly into the agitator drum of the ready-mixed concrete truck. It is a one-component engineered powdered polymer that gels the fresh concrete, resulting in very rapid stiffening while significantly minimising cement hydration and strength development.

Here’s how it works:

  • Once the driver returns to the batch plant, they simply pull up to the slump stand and check that the mix has a slump of between 80 and 130. Water can be added to the returned concrete if required.

  • Add one bag of MasterSuna RCT 323 for every cubic metre of returned concrete or part thereof. Higher slump concretes can also be treated with a slightly higher dose rate.

  • Once the MasterSuna RCT 323 has been added to the mix, the agitator is spun up at maximum speed until the material gels. This process generally takes between 60-90 seconds and is indicated by the changing sound coming from the barrel – it will sound like the barrel is only mixing aggregate rather than ready-mixed concrete!

  • At this stage, the resulting material, which can be easily broken up and has a sandy gravel-type consistency, should be emptied in a suitable hardstand area (ideally as a small ‘windrow’) and then back-bladed with a loader to achieve a height of around 150-200mm across the pile or windrow.

  • This material should then be left overnight to settle. The following morning, the material is ready to use, without the need for any additional screening or crushing.

What Makes MasterSuna RCT 323 a Unique Solution?

MasterSuna RCT 323 admixture allows concrete producers to develop a returned concrete solution that eliminates the need for onsite concrete crushing and disposal into landfills.

Benefits of MasterSuna RCT 323
  • One-Component: Simplifies the treatment process.

  • Low Dosage: Easy to use.

  • Fixed Dosage: Suitable for a variety of returned concrete mixtures.

  • Fast Acting: Gels fresh concrete and provides rapid stiffening in two to five minutes.

  • Cost-Effective: Provides concrete producers with an economical solution for returned fresh concrete.

  • Improved Safety: Eliminates the need for onsite concrete crushing.

  • Reduced Carbon Footprint: Creates an environmentally sustainable solution by diverting waste material into beneficial applications.

“MasterSuna RCT 323 provides concrete suppliers with an extremely fast, efficient, and easy-to-use method of closing the loop on a major waste stream”